
Youngest Chanel Crossing!

Many thanks to the team at Leaside Canoe Club who have just sent in this news snippett from their upcoming adventure.


A 13-year old girl from Enfield is set to become the youngest girl ever to kayak across the English Channel. Together with a 15-year old boy from Hackney, the pair will undertake the challenge at the end of this month to raise money for Leaside, a charity that they both go to in Hackney. 
Dylan Barber-May, 15, from Hackney and Maia Wallace-Loizou, 13, from Enfield will paddle 20 miles across the Channel during February half-term. 
They are aiming to complete the arduous challenge in under 4 hours.
If successful, Maia will be the youngest girl EVER to cross the Channel in a kayak.
Dylan and Maia came up with the idea to raise money for The Leaside Trust, a charity in Hackney which they go to after-school and at weekends. 
Leaside provides outdoor activities for disadvantaged young people, including kayaking, canoeing, mountain biking and orienteering. They also take inner-city children on adventure trips all over the UK.
Maia and Dylan are currently training hard for the challenge in all weathers.
Dylan explains: “We are doing 6, 8 and 12-mile paddles at the moment, waking up at 6am to kayak in the cold and going again after school but it’s worth it because this is for Leaside. It’s a great charity helping young, sometimes deprived Londoners to get out of the house, off the streets and do something fun which they can get good at.”
All sponsorship money raised by Maia and Dylan will be used to buy more sports equipment for the young people who go to Leaside.
Maia says: “We want to do something to help the club because we love it so much.”
The kayak for this project is an Epic V10 double, this has been kindly sponsored by Ultimate Kayaks 

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